
Encrypted Swap

Encrypted swap setup on Debian bullseye/bookworm


Ensure the following are installed:

  • lvm2
  • cryptsetup

Disable and overwrite existing swap partition

This is only necessary if the partition was previously used for a swap partition.

  1. Use fdisk to determine which partition is the swap partition. For rest of this guide, this is represented by /dev/sdaX.
  2. swapoff /dev/sdaX
  3. Comment out the swap line in /etc/fstab
  4. Overwrite the existing swap partition data
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdaX

Set up LVM on the partition

  1. Use fdisk to change partition type to Linux LVM (type code is 8E).
  2. pvcreate /dev/sdaX
  3. vgcreate swaps /dev/sdaX
  4. Find out the available size of the volume group using vgdisplay (example: 976.00 MiB).
  5. lvcreate -L 976.00M -n swap swaps

Set up encryption

  1. Add to /etc/crypttab:
    cryptswap /dev/mapper/swaps-swap /dev/urandom swap
  2. Edit fstab:
    /dev/mapper/cryptswap none swap sw 0 0
    This should be as simple as changing the first item in the old fstab swap line
  3. Disable hibernate (can't restore from a randomly encrypted swap!)
    systemctl mask
    rm /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume
    update-initramfs -u
  4. Reboot and verify with free that the swap is available.


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